S. Tenuta 9-16-24
Pregnant? Are you surprised? Did you plan for this? Are you excited? Are you fearful? Midwifery can be a positive experience that can help you embrace pregnancy. Midwifery and embracing pregnancy do complement each other. Midwives are here for mothers: new, fearful, excited, disappointed and unsure.
Midwives have given their lives, time, studies, and observations to this artform. They feel called to embrace life. They feel called to embrace mothers. They have innate guides that give them a sensed wisdom drawn out through insight and experience. Sometimes the experiences take them the precipice of death. They have stories to tell. They study to know the ways of important medical knowledge that can help with birth when it gets challenging, but at the same time, they depend upon a wisdom that comes to them through intuition, through knowing, through inspiration and through experience. Midwifery embraces pregnancy as a normal part of life.
Pregnancy when experienced and when embraced, can be like a river or a waterfall or a sunset. It flows from one moment to the next. The body knows what to do. The body adjusts to the baby. The body nourishes baby with all the mother has available. Normally, the baby’s needs are supplied first by the mother’s body before taking full care of mother. That means mother needs to feed herself well, so she can also be healthy while carrying this child within her, so she does not lose her strength in her muscles, ligaments, bones and cells.
The In Touch and In Tune team, is especially dedicated to loving care. They are there for each person in the way they perceive they are needed. They also ask permissions to guide the pregnancy and to examine mother and baby in ways that respect mother, baby and the midwifery role. In Touch and In Tune finds ways to discuss information necessary so birth has the most tools needed for problem solving and flow. There is never a guarantee about how the birth will happen. But there seems to be anecdotal evidence that if mother puts forth work in regards to recognizing her emotional state, her nutrition, her past traumas, her life experiences and fully acknowledges their presence in her life, baby has an easier time navigating birth.
Also, if mother can hold her child within as an intelligent person, communicating fully with baby, or being able to interpret baby’s communication with mother, then together the two can more easily work as baby navigates its birth journey through the pelvis and vaginal birth canal. Babies, according to perinatal psychologists are very intelligent. Babies do take on emotions that mother carries. If baby is not acknowledged in traumatic situations and given the assurance that mother will protect baby, then baby subconsciously takes on a trauma in a protective stance and holds the trauma somewhere in its consciousness. This can be carried all throughout life if not released at some point. Many of us on earth have not been given nor have given the newborns credit for knowing what is happening at birth. Thus, trauma gets held and a small percentage of people are fortunate to release their traumas through counseling, birth workers, rebirth work, energy work, Body Talk or hypnosis.
I know someone who seems to be holding her young children as intelligent. She gives them choices quite quickly as babies and toddlers. They get to choose books to read, food to eat, clothes to wear, and things to do. The children make choices. The younger one currently can’t talk but can shake his head in a yes and no way. He cries when it seems people are not understanding him. He gets his message across. No, he is not talking, and yet he is communicating quite well. That mom is communicating and trusting her babies to be intelligent. How empowering this must be for the confidence of the children.
The team of In Touch and In Tune desires to work with mothers who are on their pregnancy, labor and birth journey. The desire is to treat women with that courtesy, respect, and trust in the mother to be able to know her own needs and baby’s needs. The team will educate when invited or able to be received. In Touch and In Tune will listen, encourage and provide resources that can help mother make decisions for her pregnancy journey. The team will share when asked and we will observe. Intervention will occur only when necessary. Mother and father are the heart of the family. In Touch and In Tune aims to provide what is needed for mother and father to be empowered and confident in themselves and in their choices.
Much education has gone into midwifery. In Touch and In Tune midwife has experienced births in Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Illinois. She has seen births in water and on land. She has seen twins born, breech born, lotus births and births that have needed a transfer to the hospital. There have been mothers who experience premature birth, or birth that was not to be viable. There have been babies that were born quietly and those who were born crying. Some needed a little help to breathe. These birth experiences have shaped In Touch and In Tune who is ready to embrace pregnant women and mothers needing that embrace. Call In Touch and In Tune for further information. This business is based in SE Wisconsin.