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Sharon Tenuta

How Babies and Cells Communicate

microscopic cell view
cell under a microscope

July 29, 2024                                    S. Tenuta


There are many ways of communication.  The one most of us participate in are the speaking and body language.  In actuality, there are many more ways to communicate and that communication is happening.  Cells communicate, neurons, nerves, lymphatics, blood and energies that are surrounding us, within us and from around us are communicating.  We can not see most of this happening, but it is. It is interesting how babies and cells communicate.

When two entities come in contact with each other, there is communication linked up.  When I meet you, we communicate either energetically, or with body language or with words.  When a baby is conceived, the one ovum from mother connects with one sperm, and there is communication.  That communication turns on the ability for the cells to multiply and start to shape a baby for the earth living.  Therefore, I say, as soon as communication takes place there is life. 

When the living cells arrive at the uterus of the mother, there is a short time for these two to connect for the life giving force that would support a fetus in the uterine space.  If the hormonal make up of the mother is altered, the life that was already conceived can not be supported.  Often progesterone and estrogen are altered when a woman uses birth control methods and thus her living being, is unable to live in the uterus.  That does cause life to be expired in this process. 

When a baby is supported in the uterus, all cells yearn to be growing at their proper speed in a healthy way.  The body of the mother gives baby all it needs, if the mother has all the proper nutrition for herself.  Sometimes, the health of the baby will deplete mother’s minerals in her body, due to her lack of nutrition.  The point is, there is communication of baby’s being with mother’s being, thus adapting to the life during pregnancy in the uterus, with nutrition being provided through the placenta.  Cellular level communication takes place continuously.  As baby grows, it communicates using it’s arms, legs and intuition if mother is in tune with all these events.  Mother can tell if baby is healthy or needing special attention if she pays attention.  Sometimes this communication comes through an emotional nudge, or a thought that comes to the head or a kick in the ribs, or acid reflex or other signs.  If mom is in tune, she can figure out if baby needs more food, or if mother needs more exercise or different ways of moving or sitting.  Baby’s signs are clues to mother how to adjust her life.  If mother has a sciatic nerve pain, it could mean that mother needs to attend to herself and her baby more than to the outside world tasks, such as work.  It could be a reminder to go inward and listen to baby or to self better, even if she also might need a chiropractic adjustment.

After baby is born, then baby can cry to communicate.  If a baby cries, there is a reason.  If baby cries, is that a sign to let baby cry until it becomes numb to its own needs?  Or is baby letting people know it needs more hugs or more food or more attention, such as continuous care at mother’s chest, or hearing her heartbeat.  At the early stages of birth, there is a time when baby tries to communicate with the parents how it felt as it was journeying through the birth canal.  If we really listened to that story, would the child’s life be enhanced due to our listening and attention?  Would it cause the baby to have more confidence in life? 

There are some fine carry wraps that people can adjust for their body’s and baby’s needs.  Often, we have been trained in our society to just let baby cry because it is good for them.  Or we have learned to just ignore baby unless it seems serious to us.  Babies do know lots per psychologists such as Dr. David Chamberlain, PhD.  They remember more than we know.  Every cell in our body, knows what is happening as each cell communicates with each other.  Every muscle and organ carries some of our memories.  If a person has pains later in life, sometimes that pain has been carried from early interactions of life that did not turn out too well.  Often it comes up that people felt ignored or unloved by certain important people in their lives.  Let us listen more attentively to babies with this knowledge of the importance of acknowledging baby’s intelligence.

As children, we hear and our brain helps us decipher messages and to then speak using the native tongue of our parents.  We learn to move our mouth and tongues to let others know our emotions and thoughts using the limited languages.  Then we can also use the arts and music to communicate where words do not quite express our full inner being.  Listening and hearing and feeling other’s communication are possible for all when the skills are recognized as important and used in respectful ways.

For those who are unable to communicate with words, there is the body language and eye communication that is still possible.  When I look into a dog’s eyes, I sometimes sense when it wants to go outside to play, or when it wants some petting or more attention.  When I look into a baby’s eyes, that baby can communicate whether it wants to be held, or fed, or played with.  It can show a smile, and a whine, a reach or a turn and baby lets know its needs somehow.  It is truly amazing.  I currently have a 1 year old grand baby that knows about 5 words, but he sure is able to communicate. 

So, there is life giving communication whenever we have connections with someone or something.  Let us keep discovering this wonder of our life’s journeys.  Let us embrace the possibilities that all life and every cell is communicating.  If one cell is sad, then that affects all of us in some aspect.  If one person is sad, or feeling inept, that somehow affects all of society.  Let us take care to communicate, to hear and to treat all of life as wanting us to hear and respond in ways that make this world a better place.  In Touch and In Tune has some tools to help a person recognize these communication skills.  Through midwifery skills and Body Talk International tools, In Touch and In Tune is able to help a person become more personally in tune with themselves.  Reach out to this business if you would like some extra acknowledgement, knowledge or support.

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