S. Tenuta 3-3-25
What is your belief system. Do you believe in vaccinations for yourself or your babies, or not? What has caused you to have the belief you carry? Is the information evidence based, or fear based, or in ignorance, you trust someone else’s opinions? Have you researched your own materials to make an informed choice about vaccine safety? Do you know anyone who has been noticeably injured from a vaccine? Are you deciding to vax?
I recently had a friend who seriously had a bad reaction after following a protocol and suggestion to get the vaccines. This person had already had childhood vaccinations. Also, due to Covid, and the work being done, she got the Covid injection. Later, per her work, she was told she could not work if she did not get vaccinated again. She had some severe reactions. Her heart was palpating, and her head ached. She had a bad pain in her arm and had to stay home from work. Seriously, the work required her to take the shot and this happens? This does not seem normal. Either the vaccine was not good for her or she was very sick from something else. When cultural or professional pressure is put on a person, how can one clearly be deciding to vax or not?
Since she felt she was in a bad way and had no choice but to get the shot and struggle onward to work, she pushed through. She also said something to me about her reactions. So, I shared with her the work of Body Talk. This did help her recover per my observation. She was able to have her headache eliminated. She also had things in her body balanced and reconnected by bringing attention to the areas. The system uses tapping and breathing. It was an amazing recovery.
Babies today, if they follow the vaccination schedule, have way too many vaccines to take. Many vaccines are not even approved for safe use on babies. If anyone is injured, the pharmaceutical companies have no way of being sued due to the 1986 agreement which protects them. Only parents who have suffered watching their children become ill in some way after receiving vaccines have anecdotal stories to tell. Or anyone who voluntarily put their injury story on VAERS, has their information recorded. A few people have been able to follow through with their complaints and suing to get a little monetary reimbursement for such injuries. The money can not take the place of a healthy, flourishing child.
Do you believe your body can heal? Do you believe your body is made perfectly? I do. If given the right tools, the body is able to heal itself when sickness comes about. If we listen to our bodies, we can often figure out when it needs: rest, or water, or an immune boost. There is more than one way to get such bodily support. Having a belief system and an evidence-based source of information can help when deciding to vaccinate or not.
If a person believes the body can remain healthy or recover to become healthy, there are certain actions that would follow if no coercion or fear interrupts the thought process. For example, I would not add ingredients to the body that do not exist in it. I would do research to find out how a vaccine was determined to be safe. I would look for evidence that proves a vaccine or shot or antibiotic has been proven to be effective for helping the body heal and then to support its own immune system. I would ask questions. Does the ingredient that is put into the body cause the body more or less stress? What if the body was not given the ingredient, would it still be able to fight off viruses or bacterial or toxic attacks to the body?
There are some types of therapies in the world that support the human body, mind and consciousness. They take into account the physical make-up of the body, and the mind’s ability to solve problems. Some of the suggestions are to get enough sleep, and to give the body fluids that don’t harm it. This could be water from the faucet or it could be the EZ water that is found in every cell. Some people add supplements to their body for immune support. How do they determine if the supplements are good for them? There are several ways that people in the world determine such answers with confidence. I have a couple of ways that have helped me make decisions that I am confident for myself. I have learned that other people have strong intuitive senses that help them make firm and confident decisions which support their health and abilities. Some people use tools such as pendulums. It is wise for each person to learn these tools for themselves. They give themselves self-empowering information.
I do want to note that from the work I do, Body Talk in particular, I have found that many people do have reactions to the vaccines they received in life. I have found that these and other toxins do interfere with proper cellular growth and repair in a person’s body. When people are open to this work, their bodies have a chance to get stronger. I continue to believe that the body has ways to heal itself if given the tools, foods and guidance it needs.