S. Tenuta 9-9-24
Intouch and Intune offers a birth class that has the potential of parents feeling so empowered that they tend to believe they can birth their baby safely in their own chosen space. Parents tend to determine they have learned enough and seem anxious to use their recently learned knowledge. Birth class of In Touch and In Tune is unique in the sense that the hormonal process of the body and the interactions of the parents cause the hormonal symphony to play its beautiful music as parents embrace each moment of labor and birth.
How could this happen? How could this class be better than any other birth class? It isn’t that it is better, it is that there are no agendas set forth in the learning arena. Parents are told facts, they are given information, and books and websites that help them make decisions that best fit their personalities and circumstances. Knowledge gives choices. Without knowledge, we really have no choices.
Parents are given information on how the hormonal process of the body works. They are invited to enter into their own mental spaces to determine whether they need to discuss concerns or events of the past. They are offered alternative cares that can help the body be aligned. They are educated about the types of foods the body and baby require during pregnancy, and often beyond. (and sometimes prior to conception). Parents are invited to enter into their meditative and prayerful selves to realize their personal needs and to support each other’s emotional states. They are also invited to listen in a special way to the conceived baby within. Communication is key. When communication is open, then messages can be sent and received and trust is gained.
Trust helps all involved when the labor and birth arrive. Trusting that the body knows how to birth, trusting that the mother can be present and hear her body messages helps. Trusting that the partner is in tune with the mother and baby helps the process. Trusting that the provider present will only help when necessary, helps. The mother who believes in her innate knowledge can then lead the way for this journey of labor and birth. She will not act as if the birth attendant is in charge. Rather, she takes charge.
In regards to the birth classes, tools that can be used during the classes are fetoscope, doppler, muscle tests, exercise balls, birth stools, movement and many positions to be aware of in case the body requests such variation of positions. We can test the body fluids, we can check baby’s positions. Parents, in fact can learn how to check for baby’s position as well.
Ridding people of fears, current or those carried in the body, muscles, tissues or consciousness are encouraged to be processed and gone. Of course there are many ways to help this process. Counseling, writing, music, art, breathing, chiropractic, body talk, and other energy types of work help disperse and bring people to a calm and safe place. This safe place is where mother will want to give birth.
In Touch and In Tune is happy to offer an on-line or in person class to empower parents to have this safe space to birth, be it in the hospital, or at home or in their own backyard. With knowledge comes choices. If readers want to participate in a birth class, please contact https://Intouchandintune.com.
Depending upon how long the classes are will determine how many sessions. In the meantime, watch all the natural births you can. Also, find information that keeps you trusting your body, your mind and this beautiful universe in which we have this opportunity to live in and enjoy. Sometimes there is pain, and that is part of feeling the human body. We would not be human without feeling emotions of all sorts. I invite you to contact In Touch and In Tune if this information resonates with you.