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Sharon Tenuta

Birth as a Spiritual Experience


light representing wisdom


10-7-24                                                             S. Tenuta

Birth is a spiritual experience.  Birth unravels the holes in our lives and it also repairs the frayed edges of our lives.  It brings to our attention things that are part of life that we want to ignore.  It also solidifies the wisdom that we already have.  It helps us become aware of things we did not resolve and it helps us resolve the things that we process.  This is a time when we become aware of things we can not see.  We sense strongly what our five senses experience and we have the opportunity to experience openings to new horizons that we did not know existed.  This is all beneficial when we are open to the wisdom that wants to make itself known to us.  Carrying a new person within us, turns on some switches to our consciousness and knowing.

If we fear, fear hinders some of these pregnancy doors to wisdom.  Fears cause us to shut down to processing our traumas, our memories, and our senses to life.  Fears tighten our muscles and block the flow of growth and life.  If we realize we have fears, then it is wise to process them in the ways we know how.  There are many ways.  Perhaps mommy uses prayer, meditation, reading, writing and art.  Perhaps mommy goes to practitioners, counselors, or energy workers to help with physical, mental or emotional stress.  All are beneficial when a person is in the right frame of mind and it is the right time in life to do so. 

Motherhood knowing can come in the forms of visions in dreams.  Artwork can appear to mothers that suggest her state of wellness or receptivity, or of the baby’s desire to know mother.  Sometimes women have names come to them, knowing the baby is requesting a certain name.  A woman is able to experience a child’s temperament while in utero.  Mother can feel the baby move lots or little.  Mother can sense a baby’s emotions if in tune.  If mother experiences turmoil in her life, the baby will take that on.  However, if mother confirms for the child in utero, that she has experiences to process and baby need not be concerned about them, baby is able to release the tensions felt, trusting that mother will still care for baby even though she is processing stressors.

When mother is pregnant, it is as if her mind expands.  She can be exercising, but must be conscious of the hormones that are in her body causing her ligaments to relax.  That hormone is called relaxin.  Thus it is important to do exercise but not as strenuously as prior to pregnancy.  Lots of receptors are growing in her body as it prepares to birth a baby. 

Care for the body is of utmost importance.  This physical care comes from eating the proper foods that support the cells in the body.  If a mother eats junk food, she will not have the energy nor the nutrition to support herself or her baby.  The baby’s cells will take what it can from mother’s body structure in regards to vitamins and minerals.  If mother does not have a store of these, her body will get weak and show signs of disease.  This too can cause a cascade of events not necessarily wanted during pregnancy.  What would be good nutrition?  It would entail eating lots of protein and veggies during pregnancy.  Some fruit and sweets are ok, but they are not the best for high consumption.  They contain sugars, and the fruit sugars take longer to process than the junk food or carb sugars.  Still, limited sugars are part of good and wise physical care of the body while pregnant.

When baby does come along at the labor and birth time, mother has physical work to do.  If she is tense about what will happen, it will be more difficult for the body to do its work. If mother has physical limitations or distortions, these do need to be recognized. If mother has normal body structure, she can be trusting of her body, and open to its wisdom.  She can more easily allow herself to go with the flow.  She can more easily allow her body to do its wise act as many women have done before to bring a child to this world. 

Another way birth is experienced as spiritual is when mothers believe they are bringing a new soul, or a new light to this world.  They communicate with the baby, realizing it is a being that may be able to bring wisdom in a special way.  Believing each child has a role to play while on earth opens the imagination to the possibilities of the future for the earth and for the child.  Communication with the child is a way the mother and baby work together as baby takes its journey from the uterus, through the vagina and into the light of this world.

Leaving the placenta connected to the baby as long as is possible, is another way to allow the wisdom of the universe to fully empower the baby to be ready for its future.  It is another way for birth as a spiritual experience to be known.  Some believe there is energy still flowing to the child.  When the energy flow is complete, the baby will let go of the placenta.  This timing for baby, and this trust in the universal wisdom of this cord connection release can be a first step to empowering the child with confidence as it was trusted to make this decision on its own.

Mother and father, in their first hour after a birth, if given the chance without interference, tell of their strong feeling of connecting to each other and the baby.  This is a special time for parents to feel the energy of birth power which gives then another way to experience the birth process as spiritual.  The oxytocin hormone helps the family to bond.  This is the hormonal symphony of birth and life that brings in joys and intuitive knowing what the baby wants and needs.  This is the inner communication that is available to all of us, but it is strongly felt during this first golden hour of life in a special way.

Pregnancy, labor and birth are truly a spiritual experience.  If we think of it in this way, then we can work with the power, the knowing, the wisdom in a special way.  We can trust that our knowing is the wisdom of the ages being passed on to us.  Be sure, that if a person is afraid of such an empowering experience for whatever reason, this will hinder the spiritual aspect.  If a person is afraid of the spiritual, this will hinder the awakening as well.  Physically baby will come, with work and possibly interference.  This is how many babies come to earth.  For these experiences, we also have many healing journeys that are able to be processed later during life if recognized.  If we can be empowered at birth, think of how our world could heal, be strong, and be wise.  If you can open to the possibility, allow yourself to be one of those powerful, intuitive women who experience pregnancy, labor and birth as a spiritual experience.

Birth as a spiritual experience is a spiritual experience.  It is an awakening and a realization of a woman being reborn.  She becomes a new person every time she gives birth.  Women fear not.  Women, you are powerful.  Women allow yourself to become.  Allow yourself to become the wise woman for this world.

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