Dec. 20, 2024 S. Tenuta

Being a midwife is an awesome calling and experience. There are beauties that are observed. There are struggles to be observed. There are opportunities to counsel and there are challenges to overcome, all while trusting in the process and wisdom of birth itself. There are also signs that need to be recognized so the observer knows when to be of assistance, and there are signs that the mother needs to observe so she, in her personal wisdom, knows when she needs assistance as well. Being an older midwife has its challenges and benefits as well.
As the older midwife, things that positively impact a birth, are the knowing and intuitive tools that can be accessed per past experience. There are emotions that have been tamed from the world’s experiences and lessons learned. There are bits of information that the older midwife carries from all the people she has encountered in her life. There are interactions that can come easily from a midwife who has the confidence of her own person to be present for the laboring and birthing mother.
Things than are challenging to the older midwife, are things like, internet monitoring, finding tech types of research, and using such tools for needed use. However, the older midwife knows how to find people to help her navigate the computer types of challenges. Having younger people to ask, for help is the older midwife’s gift of knowing so many people from so many years of experience. Trusting her own intuition and knowing when things are ok and when things are in need of life saving interventions comes from her experience.
The older midwife, is able to ponder, observe, be calm and be confident. The older midwife has the nature and wisdom to know when it is time to have the mommy move, or to listen to the mother when she says she no longer wants to work towards the home birth or vaginal birth goal. The older midwife can either give that mommy more tools to use, or honor the mommy’s inner compass and pass the mommy on to other providers for the birth. If there are complications, the older midwife, has the routine of knowing when to call for medical assistance and to know what to do while awaiting the medical support team.
The older midwife, has the experience of all the births she has attended, observed, or heard about. She has tools that she has used, has heard how others used, or has heard worked. She has a plethora of knowledge stored in her memory and brain, awaiting the time to use the information. The older midwife has her own stories to tell, and her own lessons she has learned in life.
The older midwife can be a great resource for those who are interested in working with her (him). In Touch and In Tune has an older midwife who continues to study birth, who is fascinated by its wisdom, who continues to wonder in the baby’s wisdom and who wants to be a support to those interested in the wisdom of the body in this beautiful conception, labor and birth process. Understanding the hormonal process, the emotional impact, the processing of trauma and letting go when necessary are all part of the beauty of this interwoven dance for life. It is a beautiful way to continue life on earth.