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Authenticity in Life

Sharon Tenuta

Mosaic tiles
Tiles representing puzzles of life


9-2-24                                                S. Tenuta


Authenticity in life is hard to find these days.  That is what I observe.  When people go places, they can be super sloppy, or super dressed up.  They put on make-up, wear their best or their worst.  They put out there, messages that are written on t-shirts or binders or billboards.  They do things that attract attention or they copy what they think is cool that others do.  They watch tv that sends out messages every moment with subliminal messages portraying our need to do something different or better.  It is as if no one in the world is able to think for themselves.  Who in the world wants to control our thoughts and our buying patterns and our actions?  Are we purposefully being confused so we cannot really find our authenticity within?

When I do my work, and play, I want to be authentic.  I want to think for myself.  I want to build others up.  I want to feel confident in who I am.  I don’t want to be criticized or told I am not good enough.  Who does want that?  I have discovered that in my research, there are sources on the internet that are helpful sources which carry wisdom of the ages.  I also find sources that want to contradict wisdom sources of the ages.  It took time for me to discover that there are plenty of sites that are paid for by companies just to promote their products and to contradict information that is helpful for a world that could survive with the gifts of nature that were given to it.  We are recipients of this beautiful planet that has so much and wants so much to help us be well.  We don’t pay attention enough to this beautiful place and we surely don’t understand the plants and how they want to help us be well.  It seems this is not understood in the mainstream of society anyway. 

I learned in 1st grade, that we people would not have been put on this earth, if we could not survive.  I keep my mind open to learning all these ways we can survive here with non-invasive remedies.  Things I have learned are some of these least invasive ways.  I heard a story once of a lady who survived past 100 years of age.  The anecdotal story is that she was asked how, and her response was that she drank her tea daily.  The question might remain, what tea?  I surmise she discovered how to determine what teas were good for her to drink daily, and she drank these.  By drinking teas, a person is getting greens into their body.  I also think she was able to determine what plants in her area were healthful.

If I were to suggest teas for people, I would want to know how and then I would want to know what plants were in the area.  I have discovered that the leaves of plants change according to the makeup of the air the plants take in.  Thus, if we live in Florida, the plants there would be beneficial for our health.  If we lived in Montana or Canada where it is colder, the plants of that area would be good for us.  The plants in the area carry information for our bodies to be able to adjust to the weathers if we consume the plants from that living space.  Another anecdotal story I learned was that a gentleman who was always cold, moved to Montana, worked his garden, ate foods from his garden and within a short time, was no longer cold in Montana.  He was amazed that by eating the foods from the earth that were grown where he lived, his body adjusted to the temperature of that living area.  He seemed to experience an authenticity of living and eating from his new location.

Authenticity in living can also be when we work.  Yes, we do have certain expectations when working.  Yes, we are called to reach certain goals.  But when working, don’t just copy others. Discover your own style of doing your best without trying to please everybody else. Find your inner knowing space.  It is important to authentically do work, but also to find satisfaction in how you act and how you think and how you accept your own gifts, talents and abilities.  Know yourself.  Find yourself.  Be authentic.  Be your best in that way.  Be confident.  If you think you need a little help, realize your life’s journey is calling you to another experience for the next phase of your life.  Trust your instinct and take the journey and then come out the other side letting go of what you don’t need,  while welcoming the next layer of your confident self.  Life is full of teaching moments. It is full of surprises.  May you be able to navigate this beautiful earthly journey.  It is a fantastic voyage.

Realize that In Touch and In Tune has some tools to help with this journey.  Don’t be afraid to ask what can assist you on your journey of life.  Check out



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Intouch and Intune is your trusted partner in traditional midwifery and Body Talk, helping you to discover your inner strength and guiding you through your unique birth journey. We believe in empowering women to make the birth choices that feel right for them. Our midwifery services and energy services are rooted in compassion, understanding, and respect for your individual journey. Release your fears and embrace your power with Intouch and Intune.

At Intouch and Intune, we believe in your power to birth according to the natural physiology and hormonal symphony of birth. 

Our traditional midwifery services are designed to support you on your unique journey, helping you discover your inner strength and release your fears. With us, you're not just birthing a baby, you're birthing a stronger, more confident you.

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Sharon Tenuta Midwife
Sharon Tenuta


Received CPM and LM certification in 2022

Body Talk practitioner - CBP

Educator: to educate, to empower, to balance the Body, Baby, Mind & Spirit.

Website design by Madison Web Works

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